January 24, 2003

Frequent commenter Ralf Goergens writes in response to my election analysis:

I guess you aren't happy with that result, :

"For the establishment, tonight's result is a success. The foreign body of the LPF has been largely repulsed"

given what you think about your political establishment.

It's weird, but I had not even thought about it in those terms. I accepted the result with equanimity. Getting upset over it is just as effective as trying to stop the tide. Socialists win elections in the Netherlands. The lack of non-socialist parties pre-ordains that.

It's also because happiness is not something I associate with thinking about Dutch politics in general. Even when Pim Fortuyn was shaking the political landscape and the LPF won its victory last May, I was not really happy. I was gloating, but that's different from being happy. Fundamentally it boils down to a deep cynicism about the political establishment. I have become convinced that things simply aren't going to get structurally better. Sure, we might have governments on occasional that are less socialist than others, but the gap between what I think is desirable and what is politically feasible is too large to be bridged. It's just not going to happen. That's why I was not really disappointed or unhappy at the election result. I just accepted it as something that was going to happen anyway. I observe the elections and the result as if from afar, insulated from the actual reality that I live and work in the same country and that I am affected by the results. I feel detached. Sure, I use my blog to vent now and then, or poke fun at the goings-on, but there's always the subtext of not caring much anymore. In short, I have become alienated. This is not good. I fully realize that, and this is not a situation that can go on forever. I don't think I am in the danger zone yet though (denial is one of the warning signs, right?). So at some point there will have to come a resolution. Either I have to come to terms with my existence here, or find an alternative existence elsewhere.

That's more than enough about me. On to more interesting issues...

Posted by qsi at January 24, 2003 09:21 PM | TrackBack (0)
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I'm not quite that far yet, but I might get there.

Posted by: Ralf Goergens on January 25, 2003 05:34 PM
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