December 06, 2002
Introducing the Saudi dating service!

At first I thought it was another spambot commenting on the blog, leaving a message about Nigerian millions or somesuch nonsense. But look at the comment for this post about Saudi dating, added by a certain Waeel. The entire comment reads:

i need a outgoing girl...054213801
and he lists his homepage as "Riyadh". I must commend him on his creativity; he found the blog entry by searching for "Saudi dating," and although the article only addressed the dysfunctional relationship between men and women in Saudi Arabia (and not in a very complimentary fashion either), he did leave a comment. If he can find the entry with a search for Saudi dating, so can girls in Saudi Arabia.

A new direction for the Dilacerator blog? The stern mien of the dour and grumpy Dilacerator contorted in shock as the blog is hijacked? Actually, I'd be delighted if I could help Saudi youngsters find a way of getting in touch with one another, even through the circuitous route of blog comments. Relationships based on romance and mutual attraction are bound to work better than arranged marriages, and should help reduce the unhappiness that is eating away at the hearts and souls of the captive population of Saudi Arabia. It's clear that people like Waeed want a more normal life than the current system of Saudi Arabia allows them to live. So for Saudi dating come here.

I am currently reading the classic Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, which tells the story of Captain John Carter's adventures on Barsoom. Captured by the violent, brutal and barbaric Green Martians, he discovers that their violent and brutal nature is due to the lack of a traditional family structure, in which children are loved and nurtured by their parents, and in which romantic relationships are forbidden. Instead, the elders of a Green Martian clan decide who is to mate with whom on a purely utilitarian basis. Dejah Thoris, the Princess of Mars, tells John Carter about the Green Martians when they were all but certain of getting killed by them:

At heart they hate their horrid fates, and so wreak their poor spite on me who stand for everything they have not, and for all they most crave and can never attain. Let us pity them, my chieftain, for even though we die at their hands we can afford them pity, since we are greater than they and they know it.
It's eerily appropriate to the current situation, except I don't think I'd be quite so ready to lavish pity on those who'd want to kill me. Perhaps I'm just too bloody-minded. Anyway, back to the main point. I think the chances of success in helping Saudi youngsters in the dating game are fairly limited, still it's worth a try (and it's an interesting experiment). You can help if you have a web site or blog that's being indexed by Google. Simply link to Saudi dating and let's see if we can help them. Introducing the insidious concept of dating to backward cultures such as Saudi Arabia's is also part of the wider war in which we are now engaged, so my motives in this are far from altruistic. Convert them to our ways. Help them attain the freedom they seek. Throw off the yoke of the Wahhabist tyranny.

And best of luck to Waeel!

Posted by qsi at December 06, 2002 11:36 PM | TrackBack (0)
Read More on Saudi Arabia

Reminds me of lot this....

Posted by: Blogerator on December 7, 2002 05:29 AM

If you're going to encourage Saudi expressions of liberty, there's much better ways of going about it. Saudi youngsters who engage in an online dating service would be putting themselves at a significant and real risk of bodily injury. Our founding fathers died for some very admirable freedoms, including but not at all limited to freedom to get nookie.

My advice: Start higher up on the list.

Posted by: Aaron on December 7, 2002 07:56 AM

Actually, this is a very good place to start. In culture, Sex, like the desire to win in sports, is not the most important thing: it is the only thing. Parenthetically, this is why we should be extremely wary of anyone who tries to seize state power to transform society's sexual mores. Changes in the grounds of culture have unintended consequences.

Posted by: Lou Gots on December 7, 2002 01:48 PM

I've lived in Riyadh, and seen the dating tricks used there. The most common is for a young male to hold up a piece of paper with his cellphone number on it while stopped at a red light beside the many busses that take young Saudi women to and from school, shopping, etc. The girls can take the phone number down if they find the guy interesting or handsome, and give him a call later on. This is what passes for a dating service. Most of what you seen on the internet for people wanting partners in Riyadh is for the many TCNs (third-country nationals) who work for the Saudis.

Posted by: Diggs on December 8, 2002 07:32 PM

Dear people I am looking for a single or married girl. My e mail address is Any where in the Kingdom

Posted by: Faisal on June 24, 2003 02:31 PM

you guys are exagurating the situation here in Saudi .. you know just fuck off .. man i lived in the US and i know exactly the difference between you guys there and us .. we live in a better socity and we are proud of it ..

Posted by: a on July 27, 2003 12:38 PM

I can't believe you have devoted a website for this! Get a life!

Posted by: Mo on August 2, 2003 11:02 AM

Mishka rules !

Posted by: Mishka on September 23, 2003 06:07 PM

Boris rules !

Posted by: Boris on October 1, 2003 08:58 PM

Heeeee-ha! howdy guys from your cowboy fan ! i really loved your site and found it to be very friendly and helpfull. here's a nice hgh link for you pals: HGH - HGH rules!

Posted by: HGH on October 21, 2003 11:39 PM

well I am american...I live in saudi...I don't live on a compound .I love it here.The society is nice .The people are nice.I love saudi guys.It's the best place to e if you are a muslim!

Posted by: american_in LOve_with_saudi_guys on October 28, 2003 07:58 PM
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