Apple's Revenge
Since the Return of Jobs the HQ at One Infinite Loop in Cupertino has become a darker, more menacing place. You don't cross Apple of Jobs. He's a perfectly peaceful Vegan vegetarian, but he'll happily rip your head off with his bare teeth if you disagree with him. Ah, those peacenik hippie rapscallions!
But the Jobsian reach is longer than I had thought. Steven Den Beste has long been a vocal critic of Apple and its policies, and this has not gone unnoticed at Jobs Central. Steven posted a comment to this blog below, and the email that Moveable Type sent to announce the comment was immediately classified as "Junk" by Apple's Mail progam. Just shows you how vindictive Jobs can be... in the next version of OS X, all mention of Den Beste will automatically be censored. New Macs will come with earplugs and blinkers. In fact, just to make sure, Apple will ship all new iMacs with a Polynesian midget who'll blindfold you and shout "LALALALALA-IMNOTLISTENING-LALALALALA" in your ear should anything Den Bestian come into range.
You just don't mess with Jobs. You just don't.
Posted by qsi at November 04, 2002 02:24 AM
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