October 13, 2002
Struggling with reality

English is a notoriously difficult language to learn with its many quirks and the almost complete disconnect between spelling and pronunciation. It gets even more confusing when words of the same root get assimilated differently into various languages, and the hapless student assumes the assimilation process has been the same in the language he's learning. So I had a slight cringe when I came across this realtor in Prague. The Czech word for realty is realita, and yes, it got translated as reality. Not just on the page, but even in the actual name of the company.

This also reminds me of a flyer I got in Budapest about taxi services. In the section explaining how much a cab ride would cost, there was the wonderful sentence: "If the final destiny is outside of town..." Ah, existentialist taxis!

Posted by qsi at October 13, 2002 09:51 AM | TrackBack (0)
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