January 02, 2003
An undeserved birthday

One of the people who recently celebrated an undeserved 75th birthday is the former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. During his rule he murder an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 of his countrymen, a substantial percentage of the population. Most of his victim were Christians; he is a devout Muslim, of course. Sort of an Islamofascist avant la lettre. He also had warm ties with various terrorist organizations, such as the PLO. The hijacking of an Air France plane to Entebbe is one of the more infamous exploits of this unholy alliance. The Israeli rescue mission is one of the great successes of the fight against terrorism. (Hint: you kill them.)

It's not been 23 years since he was driven from power in Uganda, but Idi Amin is still alive. Not only that, he's alive and living in comfort, hosted graciously by our friends the Saudis:

The Saudi government pays his huge expenses, including cars, drivers, cooks, maids and a monthly allowance. In return, the Saudis -- who won't talk about their infamous guest -- demand silence and no political activity.

Let's hope this was his last birthday; yet another reason to bring the reign of the Sauds to an end.

Posted by qsi at January 02, 2003 09:49 PM | TrackBack (0)
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