November 14, 2002
The usual chaos in Rome

Rome is one of those cities with just the right amount of chaos. It's highly unstructured, but it all does work in a weird sort of way. Not getting killed in traffic depends on the skills of your cab driver, and thus far I managed to cling on to life. Of course, today's traffic was even more chaotic than usual, as the pope was making his historic speech to the Italian parliament. This meant that there was a huge police presence with heavily armed men on every streetcorner.

For someone used to the atrocious climate of Amsterdam, I also enjoyed the weather down there. With temperatures in the high 60's (around 20 C) it was pretty much like a summer's day in Amsterdam. All the Romans were wearing heavy coats though. It must be the time of year, or they're even more sensitive to cold than I am. There was an actual log fire burning in the lobby of my hotel. Very nice. Of course, I did not get to see much of the town, as usual, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Now back to more regular blogging.

Posted by qsi at November 14, 2002 10:54 PM | TrackBack (0)
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