October 13, 2002
I never really understood modern art anyway

It must be because I am too dim-witted. Plain unsophisticated. But I still don't get how keeping a corpse in a drawer for 18 years is art. Quote:

The council, which is governed by health and safety rules, would be likely to insist on burying Diogenes, as it tried to do in 1984.

The rules state that a body cannot just be kept or stored - it must be either buried or cremated.

But art experts and friends of Mr Lenkiewicz may argue that the tramp is a piece of art and should be put on public display - a move which could mean Diogenes becoming valuable commodity.

Yes, by all means. Put a corpse on public display. Show everyone what the cutting edge of modern art is these days, and let us revel in its Profound Truth. That is, if simple peasants like yours truly ever can hope to ascend to that level of sophistication.

Question: do you suppose The Great Lenkiewicz got any public funding?

Posted by qsi at October 13, 2002 10:13 AM | TrackBack (0)
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