September 21, 2002
Baffling headlines

Browsing happily along, iTunes playing Count Basie, I decide on a whim to head over to Magyar Hírlap, a Hungarian newspaper. Their lead: "Decrease in Swiss watch production." They go on to inform us that compared to August 2001, the Swiss produced watches for a total value of 663.7 million Swiss Francs, a decrease of 7.7%. It is mildly fascinating, but why would they lead with this story? Is there a secret economic pact that links Swiss investment flows into Hungary to watch production? Do the Hungarians have a secret fetish for Swiss timekeeping equipment? Are there Hungarian fake Swiss watch producers who would be impacted? Are they economically significant?

I swear, I had only one glass of Jack Daniels tonight.

Posted by qsi at September 21, 2002 12:12 AM
Read More on Hungary
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