September 18, 2002
The Prime Minister hard at work

Dutch Prime Minister has a busy schedule; after all, he's got a country to run. One of the things clogging this busy schedule of his give rise to photo-ops now and then. The caption of the picture is:

Premier Balkenende en zijn vrouw woonden op prinsjesdag een 'interlevensbeschouwelijke bezinningsbijeenkomst' bij.

Which in English boils down to "Prime Minister Balkenende and his wife attended on Budget Day a..." ehhrrrmm.... well, I'd love to translate it for you, but I have no clue what it means. Neither does the caption-writer given scare-quotes.

It roughly translates into "Inter-Life-Philosophical-Contemplation Meeting." It sounds just as horrible in Dutch too. In plainer language it would probably be a Multicultural Snuggle-and-Hugfest. (OK, I lied, I did have some clue.)

Ye Gods.

Posted by qsi at September 18, 2002 09:06 PM
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