September 15, 2002
Take it slow, don't hurt yourself

It never ceases to surprise me which cross-sections of sub-Idiotarianism will meld together into a new strand. The Netherlands has spawned a new one, the "Union Against Hurrying", as reported on It seems to be an amalgam of luddites, anti-globalizers and religious groups. They are calling for a slower working pace, limits to working hours, more "appreciation" of slow activities such as contemplation, social contacts and daydreaming. And Wednesdays are to become "Slow-working days." Right. I just hope they didn't rush into all of these goals, or overexert themselves.

So let's see: we kill productivity, cut GDP and living standards in half, force people shops to close after 6 PM, and set up a National Appreciation Committee for Daydreaming. I was going to say something witty and/or pithy about this, but I'm afraid I've exceeded my daily work-hour quota. Don't want to rush things, you see. *yawn*. Perhaps I should take a nap. Or at least do some serious daydreaming - and I expect to be appreciated for that, ya hear?

Posted by qsi at September 15, 2002 10:33 PM
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